Wednesday, July 11, 2012

There Is Corn In Egypt by Joseph J. Young @josephjyoung72

There Is Corn In Egypt

The world is experiencing a lot of turmoil these days especially economic turmoil. Uncertainty is in the air. There is no question things are changing rapidly. The old economy is dying as a new one emerges. Charles Dickens put it like this in the first line of his book, Tale of Two Cities, "It was the best of times, and the worst of times."

We all have a choice to make which time it is going to be for us. Many people, even us Christians, have been playing the blame game for far too long. It is time to start taking personal accountability for our own actions. There is Corn In Egypt simply points us back to the principles of God in scripture concerning money.

As Paul the Apostle stated, "If we neglect so great a salvation we will not escape the wrath that is to come." Similarly, if we neglect the knowledge of God concerning our personal finances we are sure to end up in economic destruction at a personal level.

The author takes you on a journey of hope into the book of Genesis to the story of Joseph, son of Jacob. Through Joseph's story he shares a process that can lead struggling saints out of financial despair. There is Corn In Egypt offers the struggling Christian hope of a better economic tomorrow.


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